Birthday Party Goody Bags Birthday Party Goody Bag Ideas?

Birthday party goody bag ideas? - birthday party goody bags

hii I have a birthday party this coming Saturday, and I'm giving away bags of sweets. I am 15 turning:)
Bag of candy to say are stupid, lol. I like. So far I have:
Manicure little thingies
Smackers Lip Gloss
Hershey Kisses

What else should I add? (preferably cheap) or should I say? thank you all!


Deb said...

No bags of surprises Arent stupid. My daughter was your Goodie Bags at the age of his last birthday celebration, and that every girl loved it. We did things that you are buying into their pockets, but we also managed to USB drives funky bright colors for $ 4 each, which were well received. We also have a small cloth covered photo albums for $ 3 and $ 4 per. She received a camera for his birthday, and I took a photo of herself, and next to each girl and a group photo of all our friends and we have printed, while the girls were part and each house has pictures. He was very nice and the girls thought it was terrible.

Enjoy your party! :)

Unknown and Fabulous! said...

Perhaps you can tell a note to thank you, and a good friend, what they are. or I do not know. I'm trying to think what they put in bags with candy, too.

Alli M said...

Nail Polish

Coupons say little things like "Free Hug me" or something like that

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